You have found your way to the website for
First United Methodist Church
of Albuquerque, New Mexico.
We join for worship each and every
Sunday morning @ 10:00am,
(on the corner of 3rd & Lead)
and YOU are invited to be a part of US!

Our Worship
Sundays Starting At 10:00am
(A little of everything)
Relaxed/Casual Dress
All Ages Welcome
Our Pastor
Rev. Jon Kuncel
Provisional Elder with the
United Methodist Church
Duke Course of Study Graduate
Really Nice Guy...
Our Church
Located in downtown ABQ on the block of 4th & Lead, 3rd & Coal
- the whole city block. Entrance is located on the southwest corner. Been here over 140 years!
Our Story
First United Methodist Church in downtown Albuquerque, New Mexico is a community of faith rooted in the love of God and loving others. We believe worship is essential to everything we do 24/7-365. Our theology is deeply rooted in the Holy Scriptures, and our faith response is distinctly United Methodist. Come and join us to experience God’s grace for yourself. If you are looking for a church that seeks to focus upward, outward, and inward - come visit.

Join Pastor Jon in reading through the entire Holy Bible in 2024.
We will using resources from The Bible Project to assist us.
Weekly check-ins on Tuesday mornings - 9:00am - at First UMC.
Our Website is currently undergoing a complete transformation. We thank you for your patience.
~ St. Augustine (probably)